Assault by Pointing a Gun
Pointing a loaded gun at a person.
Assault brings with it a number of consequences depending on the nature of the offense. Assaulting another individual at gunpoint or assault by pointing a gun is considered a very serious offense due to the extreme potential to inflict serious injury or even death. Assault by pointing a gun is a Class A1 misdemeanor and regardless of your previous record could result in active jail time. If you have been arrested for or accused of assault by pointing a gun, you should seek the advice and guidance of a qualified Charlotte criminal defense attorney or Concord criminal defense lawyer without delay. A skilled and knowledgeable defense attorney will help you face your accusers and could possibly attempt to have your charges dropped or your sentence reduced.
Assault by pointing a gun is a charge that is exactly how it sounds. It is the pointing of a loaded or unloaded gun at an individual. The intent of the person, whether as a joke or not, is irrelevant to this charge. Since there is nothing to challenge in those scenarios of the statute, we will look for other areas to challenge. We may look at challenging the identity of the defendant and the alleged weapon and circumstances surrounding the altercation. We have been successful in finding ways to keep peoples records clean with these serious charges.
The Olsinski Law Firm, PLLC handles all kinds of assault by pointing a gun cases. Our firm offers potential clients a case evaluation to determine our best course of action for your defense. We believe that the best way to serve our clients is to communicate with them directly from the very beginning. While most law firms will delegate these matters to paralegals and secretaries, our firm places direct communication first. We know that a solid understanding of our clients and their legal problem is the key to pursuing successful outcome.
Contact a Charlotte assault by pointing a gun defense attorney or Concord criminal defense attorney if you face charges of assaulting another individual at gunpoint.